Social Media Site Use Policy


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Your privacy is important to GQG Partners LLC (“GQG”), and we want to protect it.

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  • Please do not ask questions about investments or raise client service issues on LinkedIn or any other social media website.
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  • Testimonials — While GQG appreciates compliments about its performance and the service its clients received, due to our industry’s regulations, we respectfully request that you do not post such content (e.g., “likes”, how well an investment or account performed, or a great service provided).
  • Investment advice; or recommendations about specific securities, products or services — GQG shares information to help with good investment decision making, but we do not provide individualized investment advice nor recommendations about specific products or securities in these forums, and we ask that others join us in this practice.
  • Inappropriate or offensive material — GQG strives to maintain a friendly, helpful and beneficial environment, so please assist in that.

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Any account or fund advised by GQG involves significant risks and is suitable only for those persons who can bear the economic risk of the complete loss of their investment. There is no assurance that any account or fund will achieve its investment objectives. Past performance may not be indicative of future results. Accounts and funds are subject to price volatility and the value of a portfolio will change as the prices of investments go up or down. Before investing in a strategy, you should consider the risks of the strategy as well as whether the strategy is suitable based upon your investment objectives and risk tolerance.

There may be additional risks associated with international and emerging markets investing involving foreign, economic, political, monetary, and/or legal factors. International investing is not for everyone. Investing in small and mid-size companies generally is riskier and more volatile than investing in larger companies, because their stocks may be more volatile and have less liquidity than the stocks of larger companies. You can lose money by investing in securities.

GQG may only transact business or render personalized investment advice in those states and international jurisdictions in which it has complied with registration or legal notice requirements, or is exempted from them. This profile is strictly for distribution of information about products and services.

The information GQG provides on LinkedIn or other social media websites does not constitute investment advice, and no investment decision should be made based on it. It is not a recommendation to follow any strategy or allocation. It is not a recommendation, offer or solicitation to sell or buy any security or to purchase shares in any fund or establish any separately managed account. It should not be assumed that any recommendations made by GQG in the future will be profitable or will equal the performance of any securities discussed. Before making any investment decision, you should seek expert, professional advice and obtain information regarding the legal, fiscal, regulatory and foreign currency requirements for any investment according to the law of your home country, place of residence or current abode.

Information presented reflects the views of GQG as of a particular time. GQG’s views may change without notice. Any forward-looking statements or forecasts are based on assumptions and actual results may vary.

GQG provides this information for informational purposes only. GQG has gathered the information in good faith from sources it believes to be reliable, including its own resources and third parties. However, GQG does not represent or warrant that any information, including, without limitation, any past performance results and any third-party information provided, is accurate, reliable or complete, and it should not be relied upon as such. GQG has not independently verified any information used or presented that is derived from third parties, which is subject to change. Information on holdings, allocations and other characteristics is for illustrative purposes only and may not be representative of current or future investments or allocations.

The information provided is unaudited. It is published for the assistance of readers, but is not to be relied upon as authoritative and is not to be substituted for the exercise of one’s own judgment. GQG is not required to update the information posted, unless otherwise required by applicable law. No information provided may be reproduced, quoted or distributed without the prior written consent of GQG.

GQG offers a variety of products and services intended solely for investors from certain countries or regions. Your country of legal residence will determine the products or services that are available to you. Please see GQG’s Form ADV Part II, which is available upon request, for more information about GQG.

For GQG’s privacy policy please click here.

For GQG’s full terms of service, please click here.


GQG Partners Funds are distributed by SEI Investments Distribution Co. (SIDCo), which is not affiliated with GQG Partners LLC.

GQG Partners Funds invest in foreign securities, which will involve greater volatility and political, economic, and currency risks and differences in accounting methods. They may also invest in emerging markets, which involve unique risks, such as exposure to economies less diverse and mature than the US or other more established foreign markets. Economic and political instability may cause larger price changes in emerging markets securities than other foreign securities. It is possible to lose money by investing in securities. The Funds are non-diversified.

You should carefully consider the investment objective, risks, charges, and expenses of the Fund before investing. The Fund’s prospectus and summary prospectus contain this and other important information about the Fund, which can be obtained by dialing +1 (866) 362 8333 or visiting Please read the prospectus carefully before investing. The Fund’s Statement of Additional Information can also be obtained by dialing +1 (866) 362 8333 or visiting

Communications on GQG Partners Funds are for US investors only.