Beware of Scams

GQG Partners and our cybersecurity team are aware of scams, fake websites, and bad actors impersonating GQG employees. We recommend that you report fraudulent social media accounts through the respective platform. Scam websites should be reported to the authorities in the relevant jurisdiction. GQG Partners and its employees do not take any responsibility and are not liable for any such unauthorized and illegal activity. 

GQG and its employees will never use messaging platforms such as WhatsApp, WeChat, or Telegram to establish initial contact and will never request personal information, account details, payments, or transfers over digital chat applications, social media, or through SMS.

Should you have suspicions about messages received on WhatsApp, please refer to Protecting Yourself from Scams on the WhatsApp website.  

GQG employees will never contact you for business purposes through any email addresses other than those ending in or

GQG does not operate cryptocurrency exchanges nor offers advice on investing in cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, GQG does not participate in stock promotion chat groups on social media. 

Please be vigilant of fraudsters and refer to the guidance from the SEC on Social Media and Investment Fraud.  

Official GQG Domains Used for Websites and Email 

Official GQG Social Media Profiles