Illuminating Quality Value

GQG Partners is well known for its Forward-Looking Quality approach to meticulously selecting portfolio companies. In building our Quality Value portfolios, we first examine our universe of high-quality companies and then carefully choose what we believe are the most attractive value opportunities. Our Quality Value approach seeks to deliver a steady return and downside capture ratio that is substantially below the benchmark.

Value investing with a quality focus

GQG’s focus on free cash flow to enterprise value aims to navigate market volatility and compound capital more effectively than traditional value strategies.

Quality value is more than a factor

Our Quality Value strategy transcends traditional value investing by prioritizing forward-looking indicators to better capture a company’s enduring competitive advantages and potential for long-term outperformance.

Compounding capital with quality value

Blending quality and attractive, competitive pricing with the agility of active management. Aiming for superior risk-adjusted returns and a lower relative volatility solution.


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